www.gusucode.com > CxImage v6.0 图形类库最新版源码程序 > CxImage v6.0 图形类库最新版源码程序\code\cximage600_full\demo\Quantize.cpp

    //Download by http://www.NewXing.com
#include <windows.h>
#include "Quantize.h"
CQuantizer::CQuantizer (UINT nMaxColors, UINT nColorBits)
	m_nColorBits = nColorBits < 8 ? nColorBits : 8;

	m_pTree	= NULL;
	m_nLeafCount = 0;
	for	(int i=0; i<=(int) m_nColorBits; i++)
		m_pReducibleNodes[i] = NULL;
	m_nMaxColors = m_nOutputMaxColors = nMaxColors;
	if (m_nMaxColors<16) m_nMaxColors=16;
CQuantizer::~CQuantizer	()
	if (m_pTree	!= NULL)
		DeleteTree (&m_pTree);
BOOL CQuantizer::ProcessImage (HANDLE hImage)
	BYTE r,	g, b, a;
	int	i, j;

	memcpy(&ds,hImage, sizeof(ds));
	int effwdt = ((((ds.biBitCount * ds.biWidth ) + 31) / 32) * 4);

	int	nPad = effwdt - (((ds.biWidth *	ds.biBitCount) + 7) / 8);

	BYTE* pbBits = (BYTE*)hImage + *(DWORD*)hImage + ds.biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

	switch (ds.biBitCount) {

	case 1:	// 1-bit DIB
	case 4:	// 4-bit DIB
	case 8:	// 8-bit DIB
		for	(i=0; i<ds.biHeight;	i++) {
			for	(j=0; j<ds.biWidth; j++)	{
				BYTE idx=GetPixelIndex(j,i,ds.biBitCount,effwdt,pbBits);
				BYTE* pal = (BYTE*)(hImage) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
				long ldx = idx*sizeof(RGBQUAD);
				b = pal[ldx];
				g = pal[ldx+1];
				r = pal[ldx+2];
				a = pal[ldx+3];
				AddColor (&m_pTree,	r, g, b, a, m_nColorBits, 0, &m_nLeafCount,
				while (m_nLeafCount	> m_nMaxColors)
					ReduceTree (m_nColorBits, &m_nLeafCount,

	case 24: //	24-bit DIB
		for	(i=0; i<ds.biHeight;	i++) {
			for	(j=0; j<ds.biWidth; j++)	{
				b =	*pbBits++;
				g =	*pbBits++;
				r =	*pbBits++;
				AddColor (&m_pTree,	r, g, b, 0, m_nColorBits, 0, &m_nLeafCount,
				while (m_nLeafCount	> m_nMaxColors)
					ReduceTree (m_nColorBits, &m_nLeafCount, m_pReducibleNodes);
			pbBits += nPad;

	default: //	Unrecognized color format
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
void CQuantizer::AddColor (NODE** ppNode, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b, BYTE a,
	UINT nColorBits, UINT nLevel, UINT*	pLeafCount,	NODE** pReducibleNodes)
	static BYTE	mask[8]	= {	0x80, 0x40,	0x20, 0x10,	0x08, 0x04,	0x02, 0x01 };

	// If the node doesn't exist, create it.
	if (*ppNode	== NULL)
		*ppNode	= (NODE*)CreateNode (nLevel, nColorBits, pLeafCount, pReducibleNodes);

	// Update color	information	if it's	a leaf node.
	if ((*ppNode)->bIsLeaf)	{
		(*ppNode)->nRedSum += r;
		(*ppNode)->nGreenSum +=	g;
		(*ppNode)->nBlueSum	+= b;
		(*ppNode)->nAlphaSum += a;
	} else {	// Recurse a level deeper if the node is not a leaf.
		int	shift =	7 -	nLevel;
		int	nIndex =(((r & mask[nLevel]) >> shift) << 2) |
					(((g & mask[nLevel]) >>	shift) << 1) |
					(( b & mask[nLevel]) >> shift);
		AddColor (&((*ppNode)->pChild[nIndex]),	r, g, b, a, nColorBits,
					nLevel + 1,	pLeafCount,	pReducibleNodes);
void* CQuantizer::CreateNode (UINT nLevel, UINT	nColorBits,	UINT* pLeafCount,
	NODE** pReducibleNodes)
	NODE* pNode = (NODE*)calloc(1,sizeof(NODE));

	if (pNode== NULL) return NULL;

	pNode->bIsLeaf = (nLevel ==	nColorBits)	? TRUE : FALSE;
	if (pNode->bIsLeaf) (*pLeafCount)++;
	else {
		pNode->pNext = pReducibleNodes[nLevel];
		pReducibleNodes[nLevel]	= pNode;
	return pNode;
void CQuantizer::ReduceTree	(UINT nColorBits, UINT*	pLeafCount,
	NODE** pReducibleNodes)
	int i;
	// Find	the	deepest	level containing at	least one reducible	node.
	for	(i=nColorBits -	1; (i>0) &&	(pReducibleNodes[i]	== NULL); i--);

	// Reduce the node most	recently added to the list at level	i.
	NODE* pNode	= pReducibleNodes[i];
	pReducibleNodes[i] = pNode->pNext;

	UINT nRedSum = 0;
	UINT nGreenSum = 0;
	UINT nBlueSum =	0;
	UINT nAlphaSum = 0;
	UINT nChildren = 0;

	for	(i=0; i<8; i++)	{
		if (pNode->pChild[i] !=	NULL) {
			nRedSum	+= pNode->pChild[i]->nRedSum;
			nGreenSum += pNode->pChild[i]->nGreenSum;
			nBlueSum +=	pNode->pChild[i]->nBlueSum;
			nAlphaSum += pNode->pChild[i]->nAlphaSum;
			pNode->nPixelCount += pNode->pChild[i]->nPixelCount;
			pNode->pChild[i] = NULL;

	pNode->bIsLeaf = TRUE;
	pNode->nRedSum = nRedSum;
	pNode->nGreenSum = nGreenSum;
	pNode->nBlueSum	= nBlueSum;
	pNode->nAlphaSum	= nAlphaSum;
	*pLeafCount	-= (nChildren -	1);
void CQuantizer::DeleteTree	(NODE**	ppNode)
	for	(int i=0; i<8; i++)	{
		if ((*ppNode)->pChild[i] !=	NULL) DeleteTree (&((*ppNode)->pChild[i]));
	*ppNode	= NULL;
void CQuantizer::GetPaletteColors (NODE* pTree,	RGBQUAD* prgb, UINT* pIndex, UINT* pSum)
	if (pTree){
		if (pTree->bIsLeaf)	{
			prgb[*pIndex].rgbRed   = (BYTE)min(255,0.5f + ((float)pTree->nRedSum)   / pTree->nPixelCount);
			prgb[*pIndex].rgbGreen = (BYTE)min(255,0.5f + ((float)pTree->nGreenSum) / pTree->nPixelCount);
			prgb[*pIndex].rgbBlue  = (BYTE)min(255,0.5f + ((float)pTree->nBlueSum)  / pTree->nPixelCount);
			prgb[*pIndex].rgbReserved =	(BYTE)min(255,0.5f + ((float)pTree->nAlphaSum) / pTree->nPixelCount);
			if (pSum) pSum[*pIndex] = pTree->nPixelCount;
		} else {
			for	(int i=0; i<8; i++)	{
				if (pTree->pChild[i] !=	NULL)
					GetPaletteColors (pTree->pChild[i],	prgb, pIndex, pSum);
UINT CQuantizer::GetColorCount ()
	return m_nLeafCount;
void CQuantizer::SetColorTable (RGBQUAD* prgb)
	UINT nIndex	= 0;
	if (m_nOutputMaxColors<16){
		UINT nSum[16];
		RGBQUAD tmppal[16];
		GetPaletteColors (m_pTree, tmppal, &nIndex, nSum);
		if (m_nLeafCount>m_nOutputMaxColors) {
			UINT j,k,nr,ng,nb,na,ns,a,b;
			for (j=0;j<m_nOutputMaxColors;j++){
				for (k=a;k<b;k++){
					nr+=tmppal[k].rgbRed * nSum[k];
					ng+=tmppal[k].rgbGreen * nSum[k];
					nb+=tmppal[k].rgbBlue * nSum[k];
					na+=tmppal[k].rgbReserved * nSum[k];
					ns+= nSum[k];
				prgb[j].rgbRed   = (BYTE)min(255,0.5f + ((float)nr)/ns);
				prgb[j].rgbGreen = (BYTE)min(255,0.5f + ((float)ng)/ns);
				prgb[j].rgbBlue  = (BYTE)min(255,0.5f + ((float)nb)/ns);
				prgb[j].rgbReserved = (BYTE)min(255,0.5f + ((float)na)/ns);
		} else {
			memcpy(prgb,tmppal,m_nLeafCount * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
	} else {
		GetPaletteColors (m_pTree, prgb, &nIndex, 0);
BYTE CQuantizer::GetPixelIndex(long x, long y, int nbit, long effwdt, BYTE *pimage)
	if (nbit==8){
		return pimage[y*effwdt + x];
	} else {
		BYTE pos;
		BYTE iDst= pimage[y*effwdt + (x*nbit >> 3)];
		if (nbit==4){
			pos = (BYTE)(4*(1-x%2));
			iDst &= (0x0F<<pos);
			return (iDst >> pos);
		} else if (nbit==1){
			pos = (BYTE)(7-x%8);
			iDst &= (0x01<<pos);
			return (iDst >> pos);
	return 0;